Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Carols with Prof. Stanislaw Gorka, December 20, 2020 at 12:20 on ZOOM

Link to Video Recording of the event on YouTube:

Welcome, in a mood for Christmas! We invite you to Christmas Caroling with Prof. Stanislaw Gorka from Krakow, who will sing for us Christmas carols and read Christmas poems. During our event at the McGroarty Arts Center in Tujunga, that seems so long ago,  as if in the last century, when we were able to meet in person, Prof. Gorka created a wonderful, warm, festive atmosphere, truly Polish and homey ... We hope that he will manage this miracle while using the cold computer screen...

The Zoom meeting invitation is sent via email, with links. Only people with their own names or previously reported unusual names in Zoom will be able to visit our meeting - due to the danger of nasty hackers we deny admission to "Iphone users" "Administrators" and especially "John Williams" who regaled us with Russian music and profanities last time around....

WHAT: CAROLING IN ZOOM (not to be confused with ZOMO)

WHO: Prof. Stanislaw Gorka

WHEN: Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 12:20 pm


1. Song from TV series "Plebania" "Stoisz sam pośrodku świata" - You Stand Alone in the Middle of the World 

2. Wśród nocnej ciszy  - In the Night's Silence

3. Na całej połaci śnieg - Snow on the Whole Field

4. Przybieżeli do Betlejem pasterze - Shepherds Ran to Bethehem

5. Powrót (Wiersz K.I. Gałczyński) - Return (Poem by Galczynski)

6. Lulajże Jezuniu - Hush, Baby Jesus

7. Chwalmy imię Pana (Joanna Kulma/Katarzyna Gaertner) - Let's Praise Lord's Name

8. Jezus malusieńki - Tiny Jesus

9. Cicha noc - Silent Night

10. Kolęda (wiersz Jana Lechonia) - A Carol (Poem by Lechon)

11. Pójdźmy wszyscy do stajenki  - Lets All go to the Stable

12. Gdy śliczna Panna - When the Lovely Virgin

13. Wesołą nowinę - A Joyous News 

14. Ciemno tej nocy Betlejemskiej było - It Was Dark, This Betlehem Night

15. O maluśki, maluśki - Oh, So Tiny, So Tiny

16. Bóg się rodzi moc truchleje  - God is Born, Powers Tremble

17. Serca Wam się zgoją (Wojcich Młynarski/Jerzy Derfel) - Your Hearts Heal

Prof. Stanisław Górka - Theater, Film and TV Actor, Teacher

A graduate of the State Higher Theater School  of Al. Zelwerowicz in Warsaw. Since graduating in 1977, he performed in the team of the Współczesny Theater in Warsaw (until 2006), he also collaborated with the Dramatic and New Theaters in Warsaw, the Baltic Dramatic Theater in Koszalin and the Polish Theater in Bydgoszcz. 

A long-term academic teacher at PWST Al. Zelwerowicza in Warsaw, where he taught students voice emission using his own method, and currently teaches voice emission at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw.

Viewers remember Stanisław Górka mainly from the series "Plebania", in which he played the role of Zbyszek - the Church, but also from films by Kazimierz Kutz: "Turned", "Pułkownik Kwiatkowski" and Andrzej Wajda: "Conductor" and "Biesy".

He is the leader of the "Pod Górkę" Theater Society - a theater specializing in chamber vocal and acting forms founded in 1992. With almost thirty premiere performances, the actors of the "Pod Górkę" Theater traveled all over the world, playing several thousand performances.

Prof. Stanisław Górka in 2011 was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit, in 2013 - the Gloria Artis Medal; in 2015, he received the act of awarding the title of professor of theater arts from the President of the Republic of Poland.

  Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 2021! 


Photoshop by Syl Ves 

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