Friday, December 31, 2021

Forgotten Ancient and Medieval History of Poland by Janusz Bieszk on Zoom, January 15, 2022 at 12 pm PST

Tadeusz Wolanski's discovery of ancient Polish medals, 1842
YouTube Video from the Lecture:

Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club is pleased to invite you to a lecture on Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 12 noon in California. Please send requests for a Zoom link and detailed information to

Janusz Bieszk: The Kingdom of Lehia and the Kingdom of the Weneds in the ancient and medieval periods

Lecture by zoom January 15, 2022, noon in California, Gdynia - Los Angeles. The entire presentation will be in Polish.


I. Author's biography:

Janusz Bieszk, born in 1948 is a history enthusiast and researcher, and  a bibliophile. He holds a master’s degree in the field of foreign trade and foreign service. For many years, he worked in managerial positions in Poland and abroad. With a passion for forgotten history he pursued his interests for decates and included the results of his independent historical research in a series of popular books describing the following historical periods:

1. Prehistory - Space Civilizations on Earth,

2. Antiquities - Slavic Kings of Lehia in Ancient Poland,

    The Kings of Lehia and Lehites in History,

    Ancient Kingdom of Lehia

    More Evidence, Forgotten Ancient Kingdom of Lehia II

    Evidence and Historical Atlas of Lehia, Sarmatia, Scythia,

3. The Middle Ages - Castles of the Teutonic State in Poland and

    Christian Kings of Lehia in Medieval Poland.

Mr. Bieszk also edited the introduction and footnotes to the new edition of Prokosz's Slavic-Sarmatian Chronicle from the 10th century, Polish edition.

He documented his books with citations from an extensive Polish and foreign bibliography.

To order books:


Mr. Bieszk cordially invites you to experience together and discuss the documented stories about our great and outstanding ancestors of the Aria-Praslavians, the kings of Lehia, the knights of the coat of arms Leh and the steadfast sailors of Weneds.

II. Title:

The Kingdom of Lehia and the Kingdom of the Weneds in the ancient and medieval periods.

As the introduction to the lecture, Maja Trochimczyk will show a photo with all published books by the author, and a 3-min YouTube video under the title "The Lehia Empire and its Capitals  through the ages. Mr. Bieszk will provide comments to this introduction.

III. Sections of the lecture:

1. Definitions: "Slavs" in Polish are Slawianie, not Slowianie. Lehia, Leh, Lehici with "h" not Lechia, Lech, Lechici with “ch”

2. The meaning of the words "Leh" and "Lehía", and also Leh = Wit or Wist.

3. Slavs or Slawianie as an agricultural, peaceful, free and religious people

4. Religion and beliefs of the Pra-slavians

5. The oldest historical sources (yearbooks, chronicles)  with information

    - domestic

    - foreign

6. The oldest artifacts and facts

    - construction of the Praslavians

    - Praslavian battles

    - the oldest image of a freight car

    - inscription on the tombstone from the 1st century AD

7. A short and full set of Sarmatian-Lehitic kings

8. The kings of the Weneds

9. Emperors of Lehia Empire

10. Historical Atlas of Lehia, Sarmatia and Scythia

11. Catalog of coins minted by the rulers of Lehia

The presentation will conclude with presenting Mr. Bieszk’s three Open Appeals to the national authorities followed by participants' questions and discussion.

19th Century edition of the Prokosz Chronicle with inserted portrait


Ancient medal discovered by Wolanski, 1842

Janusz Bieszk’s interview for Nowy Dziennik Polish Weekly (September 14, 2016). Th. 4.

- Do you think that knowledge about the ancient history of Poland is hidden? What is the reason for this?

Everything points to the fact that we still have a post-church history and a pro-church history, where many topics, events, facts and even historical figures like kings are taboo.

For example knowledge of the following facts has not been described in the historical literature and information about these facts has not been disseminated in the society:

1. The above-mentioned tombstone with a dedication from Emperor Tiberius Claudius, translated from Latin and published in 1843 by Polish researcher, archaeologist and numismatist Tadeusz Wolański, who studied our ancient history.  Wolanski considered Prokosz Chronicles of the 10th century to be true history of ancient Poland.  In 1853 the Roman-Catholic Church declared his books forbidden and burned them at the stake. His conviction was prevented by the intervention of Tsar Nicholas I, who also assigned a detachment of the Russian Army to protect him during his research travels and expeditions.

It is long overdue that a faithful copy of the ancient Roman tombstone of a Lehia prince should be exhibited for the public at the Royal Castle or the National Museum, as the oldest artifact concerning Kings of Lehia dating back to the 1st century

2. Lehia and Sarmatian warriors were engaged in many battles with the Roman legions, and plentiful evidence exists in historical sources;  however, it is not disseminated.

3. The reign of the Lehite king Wrocisław in the years 892-896 is not known or publicized while it pre-dates the Piast dynasty by 70 years. The evidence in the chronicle of Prokosz and the Aventinus annals is ignored.

4. The existence of the empire of Lehia in the years 1000-1038 is also ignored, despite the evidence contained in Polish and foreign chronicles and annals.

5. The reign of Bolesław II the Forgotten in the years 1034-1038 is not known to today’s historians and readers.  He was removed from the Roman Catholic Church and thus doomed to oblivion.  His “deletion” from Polish history remains to this day, so the Church’s anathema has been quite effective. His name is not mentioned in two historical albums published in Poland in 2014 and 2015 with lists of kings.

Ancient medal with the king Mieczyslaw, and religious symbols, Christian and pagan
Tadeusz Wolanski's discovery, from 1842 book

Q: When do you think Poland was baptized?

A: According to Polish and foreign historical sources, the baptism of the people of Lehia was not a single act that took place in 966 AD, but a multi-stage act, involving both  the Roman-Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, Slavic (Cyril-Methodian) rites. Its chronology was as follows:

1. During the reign of King Koszyszko (842-862) on January 1, 845, fourteen Lehs - Lehite princes and magnates, with their courts, army and people living in the south, on the border with Moravia and Bohemia were solemnly baptized in the Roman Catholic rite. Baptism was performed by priests with Archbishop Adalram from Olomouc in Great Moravia, who was subordinate to the Archbishopric in Passau, Bavaria. The above act had a practical and tactical goal, namely to avoid the future military invasions of Christianization by the aggressive East Frankish state.

2. In the middle of the 9th century, especially during the reign of King Ziemowit the Reformer (862-892) and with his consent, the Christian religion in the Eastern Orthodox, Slavic rite began to penetrate the population of Lesser Poland. It was taught by the priests of Wisnog and Oslaw, students of Archbishop Methodius, who was in Velehrad in Great Moravia. The bishop of Lehites at that time was Sawa, a student of Cyril. Religion in the Slavic rite later spread to Lesser Poland, Silesia and Greater Poland, covering a large area of ​​Lehia. Many Orthodox churches were built in such localities as Wiślica, Kraków, Przemyśl, Wrocław, Poznań, Ostrów Lednicki (Lechicki) and Gniezno.

This was confirmed by archaeological excavations. The archbishopric of the Slavic rite in Krakow functioned for over 150 years.

3. Some kings of Lehia and their courts and attendants were baptized in the Eastern Orthodox, Slavic rite and ruled together for over 100 years as Christians. In my opinion, they were:

Ziemowit Reformator, who ruled in the years 862-892;

Wrocisław who ruled in 892-896;

Leh X Brave in 896-921;

Ziemomysl in 921-957;

Mieczysław II in 957-999.

The first king called Mieczysław ruled in 340-388. According to Polish chronicles and annals, Mieczysław II died in 999. Mieczysław II was elected as king of Lehia at a valid rally in 957, retained the title of king in accordance with the custom (now the so-called protocol) until his death in 999, regardless of the later repercussions related to the transition with his surroundings from the Slavic rite to the Roman rite.

It probably happened in or after 968, because in the so-called in the epitaph of Brave it is written that Bolesław was born in 967, of a "pagan father". This is because the Roman clergy did not recognize the Slavic rite and treated it as paganism. Mieczysław II was baptized by the aggressive German Church, not the Czech one, as there was no archbishopric in Prague at that time.

The official date of baptism of a part of the population of Polania (Poland) should also be backdated to the year 845, but then the public would have to be informed that the use of the later date was purposeful and was designed to hide the existence Lehs - because that is what they are called in foreign sources.

Ancient Polish medal from the book about Tadeusz Wolanski's discoveries, 1842

Ancient map - in arabic marking the Kingdom of Lechia

Lechistan on old Greek map of Europe

Suevi, Wenedae, Sarmatia on map of Roman Empire

Polish Kings from an Austrian print 1655, many Lechia kings.

Inscription of Zygmunt III Waza column in Warsaw, by his son Wladyslaw IV, naming Zygmunt III as the 44th king of Poland; chronology goes back to 5th century and includes many Lechia kings.

Traditional circular layout of a Lechia Slavic village with central grounds for meetings.

Remnants of 55 portraits, 36 extant, of Lech and Polish kings.

Portrait of earliest Polish kings in Kralow, with Krak. Popiel, and Wanda

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for 2022!

Dear Friends,

Let me start my holiday wishes for the members and friends of Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club with a quote from the great 13th century Persian poet, Rumi: “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” Gratitude is the most uplifting of emotions; counting the blessings is the key to happiness.

  Among many moments to be grateful for this year in the Club, we had a beautiful caroling party with about 70 guests sharing “oplatek” wafer, special home-cooked dishes, and singing Christmas carols together in the beautifully decorated and welcoming home of Jola and Alex Wilk in Anaheim Hills (December 12, 2021). Henryk Chrostek and Olivia Kierdal led the carol sing-along. 
Christmas Carols:

For those who could not get there, on Saturday, December 18, 2021 we organized an international meeting by Zoom: Joanna Sokolowska-Gwizdka from Austin, Texas, gave a richly illustrated lecture about the holidays with Helena Modrzejewska, our club’s patron. There were guests from Texas, Florida and Canada (Agata Pilitowska, winner of our Helena Modjeska Prize 2019) and from Poland (Janusz Bieszk, whose lecture on Lechistan and Lechitach will be held by Zoom on January 15, 2022 at 12 noon).

For those who missed the lecture, here’s the link:

Holidays are a great time to “feed on gratitude”— that is to cook and share “once-a-year” dishes, based on Grandma’s recipes, passed on through generations. Some of this traditional food is pretty weird to outsiders from other cultural traditions. I find that even my Polish  American friends in California do not have the same menu of Christmas dishes that I carried with me here, as sacrosanct rules for life, recipes for dishes I must cook once per year, or else there is no Christmas… “Kompot” anyone? “Kutia”? “Kapusta z grzybami”? “Karp w galarecie”? Everyone has their least favorite Polish traditional dish…

Barszcz z uszkami

Gingerbread by Marysia Kubal

My friends came from different parts of Poland and do not share those traditions that I am so attached to, though we share our history, language, culture… Yet, we all cherish what's most important about celebrating holidays together: family love expressed without words, by cooking together, laughing together around the kitchen table.  These gifts of companionship and contentment are priceless; they are far more important than anything that money can buy. I tried to capture those feelings in many poems over the years. Today, I’d like to share a holiday poem with all Phoenix House staff and friends as my wishes for Happy Holy Days of many shared delights and blessings!

>Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes for the New Year 2022! 

~ Maja Trochimczyk, President

Rules for Happy Holy Days

Don’t play Christmas carols

at the airport. Amidst the roar
of jet engines, they will spread
a blanket of loneliness
over the weary, huddled masses,
trying not to cry out for home.

Don’t put Christmas light on a poplar.
With branches swathed in white
galaxies, under yellow leaves, the tree
will become foreign, like the skeleton
of an electric fish, deep in the ocean.

Clean the windows from the ashes
of last year’s fires. Glue the wings
of a torn paper angel. Brighten
your home with the fresh scent
of pine needles and rosemary.

Take a break from chopping almonds
to brush the cheek of your beloved
with the back of your hand,
just once, gently. Smile and say:
“You look so nice, dear, you look so nice.”

(c) 2009 by Maja Trochimczyk

Good News

Did you know that Christmas

is Love, Love, Love, only Love

to be given, shared, cherished?

When baking together, hands

covered in flour, your fingertips

sweetened with chopped figs,

or roughened from wrapping

so many tamales for the family

dinner, while the honeyed voice

of Nat King Cole asks you to have

yourself a merry, little Christmas—


Love means sharing a laugh

at the antics of the dog that runs

in circles on the lawn, so happy

to be free—without leash, without

orders to sit, roll, obey the master.

Love is a quiet moment of writing

the sweetest of wishes to be mailed

far, far away—this year even further.

Love is this letter, filled with affection,

your kind, gentle words that glisten

with happiness & warmth.

(C) 2018 by Maja Trochimczyk



Sunday, November 21, 2021

Christmas with Helena Modjeska - Lecture by Joanna Sokolowska-Gwizdka on Zoom, Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 12 noon

The Helena Modjeska Club invites you to a meeting in the Zoom format with Joanna Sokołowska-Gwizdka, a writer and journalist to be held on Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 12 noon. The presentation will be richly illustrated with materials from the author's private archive. The conversation will be led by President Maja Trochimczyk, in Polish. Information by email, please contact

Joanna Sokolowska-Gwizdka is the author of the bilingual book "What I received from God and people. A Tale of Helena Modrzejewska". The book, with an introduction by Prof. Kazimierz Braun, was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the actress's death. Since then, Joanna Sokołowska-Gwizdka, who for many years has been getting to know this famous Shakespearean actress, brings the actress's biography to the public during many meetings in various cities of the USA, Canada and Polish. We recommend buying a book as a gift for Christmas:

What I Received from God and from People. A Story of Helena Modjeska (Modrzejewska). 

She is also a co-author of the play about Chopin "Good Evening Monsieur Chopin", translated into English, French and Portuguese, staged in Canada, the USA, Brazil, France and Portugal by the Salon of Poetry, Music and Theatre from Toronto. She wrote a monograph of the Polish theatre in Toronto "Theatre of fulfilled hopes. Cards from the life of the emigration scene". Against the background of the history of theatre, the author showed people with passion, who were united by theatre Polish in exile. She conducted 270 hours of interviews with Polish artists in Toronto, associated with the theater. Many of them are no longer alive, making the publication a unique document. The premiere of the book took place at the XX International Book Fair in Krakow, and the promotion took place at the Słowacki Theatre, from which the founder of the theatre – Maria Nowotarska – originated.. In 2018, she received for this book the Polish "Booker Prize" in the Literature category – that is, the Golden Owle statuette awarded in Vienna by the Club of Polish Intelligentsia in Austria, presented during a ceremony at the Vienna station of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Since 2016 edits an online cultural magazine devoted to Polish culture outside Poland, "Culture Avenue": For editing this magazine, in 2018 she received the Maciej Płażyński Award granted by Club Press Polska and presented at the Emigration Museum in Gdynia. Since 2001, he has lived abroad, first in Toronto, then in New Jersey, near New York, and since 2013 in Austin, Texas. She is a graduate of Polish philology at the University of Lodz. After graduation, she worked at the Department of Old Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw, under the direction of an outstanding historian of Polish literature, Prof. Jerzy Starnawski. 

At the same time, she was engaged in journalism. She participated many times in the Music Festival in Łańcut as a correspondent of the Łódź "Odgłosy". In the mid-90s, she became a media representative and organizer of the promotion in Poland of the International Chopin Festival, held in La Châtre-Nohant in France. She also cooperated with Telewizja Łódź (program "Rozmaitości Literackie") and with "Głos Polonii" - Polish radio in Perth (Western Australia). After going abroad, she worked in "Gazeta" in Toronto - the largest Polish diaspora daily in Canada. From January 2003 to June 2008 she was the editor-in-chief of "Oceanic Letter" - a cultural supplement of "Gazeta". While living in Toronto, she also conducted interviews with representatives of the world of culture on the television station "Polish Studio". After moving to New Jersey in 2005, she worked at the Pilsudski Institute in New York on the digitization of the Institute's archival collections.

Her articles, reviews and interviews were published in magazines in Poland: "Rzeczpospolita", "Pani", "Dziennik Łódzki", "Odgłosy", "Jazz Forum" and abroad: "Nowy Dziennik" (New York, New York), "Polonia Kalifornijska" (San Diego, California), "Teraz" (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), "Polonaise" (Cairo, Egypt), "Kurier Zachodni" (Perth, Western Australia), "Tygodnik Polish" (Sydney, Australia), "Pro Polonicum" (Freiburg, Switzerland). Chapters in books have also been published ("Horyzonty Teatru II. Droga Kazimierza Brauna", Toruń 2006, "Words, images and sounds in upbringing", Warsaw 2011, "Axiology of travel", Warsaw 2012). As a member of the Association of Polish Writers Abroad based in London, she is also associated with the "Literary Diary" – a magazine published by the union.

Currently, he is the vice president of the Austin Polish Society and one of the directors of the Austin Polish Film Festival. As part of the cultural activities of the organization, it also runs the Historical Club. Before the pandemic, the story of the Potocki family from Łańcut began a series of lectures entitled Polish Families. During the pandemic, she organized meetings via the zoom platform, with Kazimierz Braun, Jarosław Abramow-Newerly, Marek Probosz, Iwona Korga – director of the Pilsudski Institute in New York and Tomasz Jędrzejewicz – son of a pre-war minister and co-founder of the Institute. 

She set up a YouTube channel to bring Texas and Polish traces in Texas closer to those who couldn't travel during the pandemic. In May 2021, she co-organized the Poli Negri Festival in Austin.


What I Received from God and from People. A Story of Helena Modjeska (Modrzejewska). Paperback – January 1, 2009


Interview with Mariusz Kotowski, author of a documentary about Poli Negri.

Interview in radio PiK (Pomorza i Kujaw) before a lecture on Helena Modjeska in Bydgoszcz, 2019,242,6-sierpnia-2019?fbclid=IwAR3HlB7uzYGZuG2eE3qZY7FxviSh94P3Q1Zdiql94JJ1Q_p8E-BULTZ9reA

Newest intervieww on portal Kultura Na Co Dzień:

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Modjeska Club's Christmas Carols Party on Sunday December 12, 2021 in Anaheim Hills, CA


Christmas is coming and it is time to return to the warm comfort of Christmas Carols, Christmas trees, Christmas  gifts, Christmas lights and… the Christmas Caroling Party of the Modjeska Club held on Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 4:30 pm at the elegant and beautifully decorated residence  in Anaheim Hills, CA. After sharing “oplatek” and holiday dinner, Christmas Carols will be performed by Olivia Kierdal with Henryk Chrostek who will then lead the guests in singing along our favorite Polish Christmas carols. Songbooks will be provided. 

Olivia Kierdal was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, and moved to Los Angeles in 2019. She completed a BA in Contemporary Music and is a classically trained pianist, a vocalist and songwriter with over 100,000 monthly listeners on Spotify.

Henryk Chrostek was born in Poland and moved to the U.S. in the late 80s. In his professional life he works for University of Southern California as a Director of Research Administration, Ostrow School of Dentistry. In his private life he is a hobbyist musician playing guitar, writing, recording, and performing live locally but also all over the country. In 2014 with Ewa Angeli he recorded for the first time in history an album with Polish Christmas Carols in English which is available on Amazon, iTunes, and other music retailers worldwide.

Our Christmas Party will include potluck dinner of home-made dishes and desserts made by Club members. We propose the following dishes: kapusta z grzybami, bigos, herring, salmon, gołąbki, ryba po grecku, baked ham, kulebiak, salads, bread/pumpernickel, as well as desserts makowiec, pierniczki, szarlotka, sernik, keks, piernik, i kruche ciasteczka. 

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

 Dr. Maja Trochimczyk, President

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Report from the 50th Anniversary Ball of the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in October 2021


On Sunday, October 10, 2021, Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club celebrated its "golden" anniversary, i.e. the 50th anniversary at the Pasadena University Club. The evening started with a welcome with a glass of champagne for all guests, followed by a gala dinner. During the award ceremony, the anniversary plaque and a letter from Consul General Jaroslaw Lasinski were presented by Consul Pawel Lickiewicz, Vice Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Polish Consulate in Los Angeles. Then, Orange County Governor Donald Wagner, Los Angeles County Governor Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles City Councilor Monica Rodriguez and California Senator Antony Portantino gave honorary diplomas for the club and its volunteers. The Club president, dr. Maja Trochimczyk awarded the Club's volunteers and volunteers with diplomas and colorful rosettes. She also presented the newly published book "50th Anniversary Album of the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club," which as published in Polish and could be ordered during the Ball.

After the presentation of the awards for the Club and by the Club, prof. Wojciech Kocyan played the Waltz, Op. 18 by Chopin, and then the Helena Modjeska Prizes for 2021 were presented to Jan Englert (video) and Beata Pozniak (in person). The ball began with a solemn 50th anniversary Polonaise led by Marek Probosz, Master of Ceremonies, together with his wife, Malgorzata. Wojciech Kilar's beautiful music from the film "Pan Tadeusz" gave the Polonaise an unforgettable character. The AV and sound  projection was prepared by the two-time Emmy Award winner Andrzej Warzocha. Everyone present got a commeratory lapel badge. The dancing had accompaniment of Polish hits from the 1970s and classic dance melodies, preferred by Polish American, including Italian and Salsa tunes.

At the beginning, the President, Maja Trochimczyk, welcomed everyone warmly at the gala ball of the 50th anniversary of  the Club, stating: "I am very happy that you can be present with us and that we will celebrate such an important ceremony together."  

We reproduce the text of the President's introduction below:

"On behalf of the Club Board and all the organizers, I cordially welcome you to the elegant, historic Pasadena University Club for our Club's 50th anniversary celebration. Our Ball is the culmination of a series of events, started in January 2021, and taking place in the virtual Zoom format. These were meetings devoted to the art of acting (Beata Poźniak and the presentation of the H. Modrzejewska award for Andrzej Seweryn), history (Dr. Iwona D. Korga, President of the Pilsudski Institute and Prof. John Radzilowski), art (Krystyna Sądej) and music ( Katarzyna Sądej, Tomasz Golka and Mikołaj Stroiński)."

"The most significant anniversary project is the publication of the 380-page Album of the 50th Anniversary of the Club. Many thanks to all hardworking volunteers! In addition to the album, in various rooms of the University Club you can see our history - photos and books of meetings with historical entries and signatures. Today, Dr. Wojciech Kocyan will inspire us with Chopin's music. Today we present the Helena Modjeska Prizes for outstanding actors, Beata Poźniak and Jan Englert. They will also receive diplomas from the County of Los Angeles and the state of California."

"A wonderful actor, Marek Probosz, will lead us to dance the polonaise, and Andrzej Warzocha, the winner of two Emmy awards, ​​will provide the AV support. Our celebrations are possible thanks to donations from the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles, POLAM Federal Credit Union, a group of former presidents and members of the Club's board, and Moonrise Press."

"At first, I would like to warmly welcome everyone, especially our honorary guests who have honored our ceremony with their presence."

Consul Pawel LICKIEWICZ, Vice Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Polish Consulate in Los Angeles

WWII Veteran, The Child of the Uprising is with us, Professor ANDRZEJ TARGOWSKI, a member of the Club

• Among us there are outstanding actors MAREK PROBOSZ and BEATA POZNIAK

• There are media representatives: PATRYCJA AND ADAM SROCZYK

• Outstanding artists  include a long-time member of the PAN ZBIGNIEW NYCZAK Club and Mr. SLAWEK WISNIEWSKI who recently joined our group with his wife MARZENA. We have great  painters, amazing artists among us.

• Outstanding musicians:  Prof. WOJCIECH KOCYAN from Loyola Marymount University, and double bass player DAREK OLESZKIEWICZ, professor at the California Institute for the Arts

• MS MARZENA WISNIEWSKA Representative of POLAM, our Polish bank, which supports many Polish diaspora groups and, of course, our club and the 50th Anniversary Ball. Marzena is a member of our club along with her husband.

• Former President of the Polish-American Film Society ELZBIETA KANSKA, and activists who spent many years promoting Polish film in California MAREK BERGER, SYLVIA KNUTEL, PIOTR PIECZONKA

• President of the Polish-American Culture Club PAPA in Orange County, Darek SWIATKOWSKI and vice-president GRZEGORZ CHILECKI with his spouses

• Activists from the Polish dance group KRAKUSY - President ELZBIETA ROMUZGA and Artistic Director, Choreographer, Mr. EDWARD HOFFMAN. Mrs. Romuzga is also the newest member of our Club, Welcome!

• Our former, very distinguished Club Presidents are also with us: Mrs. JOLANTA ZYCH, president in 1998 2006, who organized a group of former presidents to offer financial and spiritual support for our celebration. Ms ELZBIETA KANSKA and Mr ANDREW DOWEN, president in 2013-2018

• There are also very distinguished members of the previous Boards of Directors, KRYSTYNA BARTKOWSKA, KRYSTYNA OKUNIEWSKA and, again, ELZBIETA KANSKA, co-editor of our album of the club's history

• The current board of directors is with us: Vice President Dr. ELZBIETA TRYBUS, BEATA CZAJKOWSKA, treasurer MARIA KUBAL, secretary BARBARA NOWICKA, board members ELZBIETA PRZYBYLA, ANNA SADOWSKA, and SYL VES. Thank you for your presence and great help.

• The double Emmy Award winner ANDRZEJ WARZOCHA, responsible for the audiovisual setting of our ball, is  here and without him we would not have such a great event. Applause! 

In a moment I will be replaced at the microphone by MAREK PROBOSZ, an excellent film and theater actor, director, professor, and author, whose artistic achievements are well known to us, although not all of them, because their list is constantly growing.  See a short list in the event program book! I have here  breaking news: Marek has just received information that at the Pola Negri festival in Poland he will receive the Politka award for his film and theater achievements and for promoting Polish culture around the world. Marek has performed in our club many times. I had the pleasure of interviewing him three times, in 2006, 2011 and 2020. We are honored that he has agreed to join us today as the Master of Ceremonies, the Host of the Evening and the Leader of the Polonaise. Mark, he's handing you the microphone. "


 After a short welcome, Marek Probosz invited the Consul to the microphone. PAWEL LICKIEWICZ - CONSUL FOR PUBLIC DIPLOMACY, at the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles, read a letter from Consul General Jaroslaw Lasinski, and handed over a commemorative plaque to the President

Pasadena, 10 października 2021 r.

Uczestnicy Jubileuszu pięćdziesiątej rocznicy powstania

Klubu Kultury im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej.

Dear President, Members of the Board, Dear Guests,

 “One times one equals one.

   Two times two equals ... four.

   Four times four equals sixteen.

   Five times ten equals fifty. "

This multiplication table was recited by Helena Modjeska at private receptions in England and America. She recited it in Polish in such a way that the listeners had the impression that they were listening to the story alternately funny, emotional, and moving to tears at the end.

Just as the "Modjeska multiplication table" went down in the history of the theater, today the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club is remembered in Polish cultural history. The Club has been cherishing, preserving and strengthening Polish cultural heritage in California for fifty years.

Southern California may seem like a perfect place to promote Polish culture. The immediate vicinity of the world-famous art and entertainment center is both an opportunity and a challenge. The local art market is saturated, and the competition for the audience and their commitment is overwhelming. The way art is created, stored and delivered to the public has also changed. The relationship between the creator of culture and the audience has changed in its own way. 

Helena Modjeska and her theater group lived for long weeks in railway cars to play on many stages of the American theaters while traveling through the United States. Today, almost every traveler can watch the latest Shakespearean production on board a plane, all at once. High art also competes with pure entertainment. Moreover, the rush and impatience that accompany us in today's realities suggest seeking light and quick solutions.

In such conditions, the uninterrupted, fifty-year work to spread Polish tradition, culture and high art deserves a special distinction. Over the years, the Modjeska Club promoted Polish artists, organized exhibitions, film screenings, and enabled the exchange of Polish and American artistic circles. With its activities and achievements, the Club is among the best examples of over 200 years of history of Polish emigration to the United States.

Such an intense and wide-ranging activity of the Club for so many years had to be based on strong local ties, hard work and determination, which has been shared by long-term members and co-creators of its success. Members of the Club often participated in theatrical productions themselves, thus referring to the roots of the Club and the activities of its founder, talented actor, producer, director and journalist, Leonidas Dudarew-Ossetyński. 

I am convinced that you also recognize the importance of the Club's community in this success, mutual creation of opportunities and possibilities, openness to new initiatives, means of expression and artistic solutions. Such an approach to the promotion of Polish culture will always find support and allies.

Dear President, Dear current and former members of the Board, members of the Club,

By expressing my sincerest congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in Los Angeles, I would like to wish you at least another fifty years of fruitful activity. 


Konsul Generalny

Translated by Maja Trochimczyk

"After reading the letter and presenting the commemorative plaque, it was time for honorary diplomas from government institutions in California. Our ceremony was joined by representatives of the City and County of Los Angeles, Orange County, where the historic home of Helena Modjeska Arden is located, and the Senate of the State of California. They couldn't be with us personally, so  their scrolls and congratulations were sent by mail. We framed the club's diplomas and you could see framing the stage and take a closer look during the break. Congratulations were sent by: Monica Rodriguez, Los Angeles City Councilor. Kathryn Barger, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Donald. P. Wagner, Orange County Supervisor; and Senator Antony Portantino, of the California State Senate. They were happy to share their appreciation and congratulations on the occasion of our celebration.

Monica Rodriguez -  Los Angeles Councilwoman sent  diplomas for  the club and the President. 

On behalf of the City of Los Angeles and its Seventh Council District I congratulate you on the 50th anniversary of the organization. Your service and dedication have led you to be one of the most highly distinguished and regarded Polish Organizations in California.  Your exemplary efforts have been of great value tour City of Los Angeles and the promotion of Polish culture statewide. I extend my best wishes for continued success in all your future endeavors. 

Monica Rodriguez, Councilwoman 7th district City of Los Angeles

Donald P. Wagner  –  Orange County Supervisor sent congratulatory scrolls and diplomas for the Club (in a beautiful frame), as well as the Club's Pesident Maja Trochimczyk, and Modjeska Prize Winners, Jan Englert & Beata Pozniak. The  Polish Translation of his Resolution is below. 

Whereas, established in 1971 Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club celebrates its 50th anniversary, and

Whereas the Club is a 501©(3) charitable organization dedicated to the promotion of Polish cultural heritage in California. During its past five decades of existence, it has made a significant contribution to enrich the ethnic mosaic of Southern California. The Club invites eminent guests from Poland and organizes meetings with artists, actors, film directors, scholars, journalists, musicians, and government officials. The Club also presents concerts, film screenings, theatrical performances, and exhibitions, and

Whereas the Club members are Polish American professionals who wish to learn more about and share Polish culture with their community. Membership is split 50/50 between Los Angeles and Orange County, and

Whereas the Club collaborates with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland and well-known cultural institutions, such as the Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles and the Polish Music Center at the University of Southern California. Other partners have included UCLA, Art Center College of Design, the Autry Museum, Jacaranda Music on the Edge, L.A. Master Chorale, the Bowers Museum, and

Whereas, the club has organized hundreds of cultural events, including public meetings and interviews with distinguished representatives of Polish arts and sciences. Nobel Prize winner and poet Czeslaw Milosz, Oscar winner and director Andrzej Wajda, and lectures by eminent scholars, politicians, and athletes, including Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz and Olympic medal winner Irena Szewinska, and

Whereas, in 2010 the Club established the Modjeska Prize to honor the achievements and contributions of Polish actors,

Therefore be it proclaimed that Supervisor Donald P. Wagner does hereby congratulate the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club  on its 50th anniversary and recognizes its years of dedicated service to the community.

Donald P. Wagner, Supervisor, County of Orange

Antony Portantino – Senator of the State of California sent diplomas and scrolls for the Club, the President Maja Trochimczyk, and the Modjeska Prize Winners, Jan Englert & Beata Pozniak.  The text of congratulations for the Club is reproduced below:

On behalf of the California State Senate I join the Greater Los Angeles community in recognizing this tremendous milestone. I celebrate your organization’s role in showcasing the artistic heritage of Polish Americans and their numerous contributions to our District. Your commitment to bringing people together to enrich the cultural tapestry of our region is commendable. I look forward to watching the Club continue to thrive. Congratulations and best wishes for all your future endeavors! 

Senator Anthony Portantino

Senate of the Stateof California

Kathryn Barger – Los Angeles  County Supervisor sent diplomas and scrolls for the Club, the President Maja Trochimczyk, Modjeska Prize winners, Jan Englert & Beata Poźniak, as well as volunteers, members of the previous Board of Directors, past Vice President Krystyna Bartkowski, past President Andrew Z. Dowen, and past Board member and current Treasurer Maria Kubal. Ms. Barger's message to the club was simple:

With sincere congratulations and best wishes the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles hereby join in your celebration.
Kathryn Barger,  Los Angeles County Supervisor

President Trochimczyk with a fan of her scrolls and diplomas. Photo by Elzbieta Romuzga

Marek Probosz and recipients of County of L.A. diplomas: Maja Trochimczyk, Adrew Z. Dowen, Krystyna Bartkowska, Maria Kubal. Photo Patrycja Sroczyk


In the next part of the evening, President Trochimczyk presented the Club History Album and invited a group of volunteers to the stage who worked together on the 50th anniversary of the organization.

"We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our Club, it is a great chapter in the history of the Polish Diaspora, the history of the culture of Polish immigrants. The club was established in 1971 on the initiative of Leonidas Dudarew Ossetynski, a colorful character, veteran, actor, director and journalist, The Club had 14 presidents, about 80 board members over the years. The program of the evening includes a summary of our history with the names of all presidents as well as famous guests, actors, directors, artists, musicians, writers and scientists whom we have hosted among us over the years.


Over 600 events, thousands of viewers, great memories. We will not recall the details now, we have included them in the 50th anniversary album, available for free in PDF format, or in printed form. The  order forms are in the hall next to the display books. Our program book also includes a short history of the club. The publishing of the Club History Album was sponsored by a grant from the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles. Thank you very much! And whoever wants to, can look at the photos and the albums from our events signed at every event organized by the club since the 1990s. They are located on the foyer tables, in the photo gallery and on the patio tables.

The board and the volunteers. Photo Patrycja Sroczyk

The President continued her thanks: "And now it's time to thank our activists and volunteers. I would like to present the diplomas of recognition from the President for the Volunteers of the 50th Anniversary of the Club. The diplomas are received by the volunteers working on the album, edited by me, Elzbieta Trybus and Elzbieta Kanska, with the collaboration of designer Elzbieta Czajkowska who designed the cover. Krystyna Kuszta and Jolanta Zych were proofreaders. This is a huge effort and a great project.  Board members worked with me on the event - Maria Kubal selected the beautiful flowers, Barbara Nowicka helped with the decor, Elżbieta Przybyła drove around to pick up the diplomas and welcomed guests, Anna Sadowska helped decorate the ballroom and chairs, Dr. Elżbieta Trybus helped decorate the tables, and Syl Vès purchased wine for the guests and helped decorate the ballroom."

After so many diplomas and awards it was necessary to take a little break to refresh the spirit with music... Marek Probosz announced the performance of Prof. Wojciech Kocyan: 

"There can be no Polish celebration without Chopin. Welcome to the stage for a moment of beautiful music in the ballroom atmosphere. Our musical star will be the excellent pianist, Professor Wojciech Kocyan from Loyola Marymount University. Dr. Wojciech Kocyan is a laureate of international piano competitions, Busoni and Viotti, as well as a laureate of special prizes of the 11th International Winner of the Chopin Competition and winner of the Paderewski Competition First Prize He has performed in Europe, Japan, Australia, the United States, Canada and Mexico He has recorded for television, radio and film, and his performances have been broadcast in Europe, the United States and Australia. found on DUX, NAXOS and Spotify. Today he will play Fryderyk Chopin's Waltz in E flat major, Op. 18."

Fot. Maria Kubal

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot. Syl Ves

Fot. Syl Ves

Fot. Maria Kubal

Fot. Maria Kubal

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

After the performance of the outstanding pianist, President Trochimczyk presented him with a commemorative diploma and a rosette, saying: "I would like to thank Professor KOCYAN for his performance both now and for years in our Club. We highly appreciate our cooperation and your membership in our organization." Then she asked the eminent jazzman Darek Oleszkiewicz to the stage, stating: "We also have a diploma with thanks to our favorite jazz musician Darek OLESZKIEWICZ. You have played for us so many times, with your own group, and together with jazz musicians such as Krzesimir Debski, Urszula Dudziak or Grazyna Auguscik. Each performance was a great musical feast for all listeners. Thank you very much! "

Fot. Maria Kubal


Maja Trochimczyk started the presentation of Modjeska Prizes from the history of these awards. 

"The annual Modjeska Prizes have been established in 2010 to commemorate the club's patron, Helena Modrzejewska, and to honor the achievements of outstanding Polish actors. In October 2010, the first prize was awarded to actor Jan Nowicki. In 2011, awards were given to Anna Dymna in Kraków and to Marian Dziędziel in Hollywood. In 2012, the laureate was Barbara Krafftówna, and in 2013, the director and screenwriter, Ryszard Bugajski. After a five-year break, in 2018 the Club honored with the Modjeska Prize the eminent actress Jadwiga Barańska. In 2019, the award was presented to two actresses from the Polish Theater in Toronto, Agata Pilitowska and Maria Nowotarska. In January 2021, the award for 2020 was presented on Zoom to Andrzej Seweryn. In 2021, two Modjeska Prizes will serve as “lifetime achievements awards” and honor the most eminent representative of the acting world in Poland, the legendary “Icon of the Polish Film” Jan Englert, and the most outstanding representative of Polish actors in Hollywood, Beata Poźniak, who distinguished herself with a highly successful career in the USA." 

Marek Probosz has the pleasure of presenting to the audience both awardees.  The presentation started from Jan Englert, who was absent due to restrictions of travel from Poland. 

Probosz stated: "The presentation of the Modjeska Prizes for 2021 starts from Jan ENGLERT who is absent physically but present in spirit.  Jan Englert (born in 1943 in Warsaw) is a Polish theater and film actor, theater director, professor of theater arts, and since 2003 the artistic director of the National Theater in Warsaw. He made his debut on the big screen as Zefir in Andrzej Wajda's film Kanał about the Warsaw Uprising (1956). In 1964, Englert graduated from the Acting Department of the Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Higher School of Theater in Warsaw and started working for the following theaters: Polski (1964–1969, 1981–1994), Współczesny (1969–1981), and Narodowy (since 1997). He remained in the National Theater and has served as its artistic director for 18 years. Englert collaborated with the most outstanding theater directors, appearing in important roles in plays by Shakespeare, Mickiewicz,
Wyspiański, Gombrowicz, Ionesco, and Mrożek."

"As a theater director he staged plays by Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Fredro, Chekhov, Turgenev and Witkacy. We could watch him on the screen in the films of Andrzej Wajda (Kanał, Katyń, Tatarak), Kazimierz Kutz (Salt of the Black Earth, Pearl in the Crown), Janusz Zaorski (Baryton), Filip Bajon (The Magnate), as well as in the TV series by Janusz Morgenstern (Kolumbowie, Polskie Drogi), Jerzy Antczak (Nights and Days), and Ryszard Ber (The Doll). In total, he has appeared in over 60 films, and many television plays and TV series. He has received numerous honors and awards, including the Knight's Cross and the Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1988, 2001), the Gold Cross of Merit (1997), the Gold Medal "Gloria Artis" (2005), and awards named after Aleksander Zelwerowicz (1993/1994), Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński (2008), and Cyprian Kamil Norwid (2012). He also received the Gustaw Award (2014), the Icon of Polish Cinema title (2018) and the Golden Hipolit Prize (2019). We are adding to this wonderful set by bestowing on Jan Englert the Modjeska Prize for 2021, as a lifetime achievement award for his work as an actor. Englert performed for the Club in 1994, 1996 (Kwiaty Polskie by Tuwim), 1998 (The Forefathers’ Eve by Mickiewicz), 2000, and 2009."

Fot. Maria Kubal

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot Maria Kubal

After the introduction by Marek Probosz the audience viewed an 11 minute video recorded on October2,2021, during which past President Jolanta Zych recalled the connections of Jan Englert to the Club and Maja Trochimczyk conducted an interview with the awardee, as well as presented the Prize and the set of diplomas. During the presentation, the Club's Vice President, Dr. Elzbieta  Trybus was also present.  The full version of the interview (31 minutes) is available online on YouTube. The edits to create a shorter version were made by Andrzej Warzocha.

While thanking the Club by letter for the Modjeska Prize, Jan Englert wrote: "It was with extraordinary satisfaction that I received the information about being the recipient of the Helena Modjeska Prize. With fondness, I remember my many meetings with the members of the Culture Club of her name scattered over dozens of years."

 After the video, Maja Trochimczyk showed the original diplomas and award, which will await for its recipient in California. 


The final segment of the Award Ceremony  was dedicated to the presentation of the Modjeska Prize to  Beata Pozniak.  Marek Probosz reminded all present of the biography of the actress.  

"Honored by the Washington Post for narrating the “Best Audiobook of the Year” in the USA, for which she became not only the first Polish performer, but also the first non-English-speaking actress to be hired by the largest literary publisher in the world - Penguin Random House. In Poland, she made
her debut in the series Kamil Kurant’s Life and in the US in Oliver Stone’s eight-time Oscar-nominated film JFK playing Marina Oswald, the on-screen wife of Gary Oldman. An experimental film All These Voices won a student Oscar. She is remembered from the TV theater playing Ophelia in Hamlet in the village of Głucha Dolna (The Golden Hundred in TV Theater) and from the series: Young Indiana Chronicles, Złotopolscy, Melrose Place, Mad About You, Babylon 5, where she played a female President of the World." 

"She made the US history by proposing the first-ever recorded official bill celebrating International Women's Day (H.J.R. 316) for which she was honored by the Mayor of Los Angeles and in the US Congress. She received the Maria Konopnicka International Prize for "Outstanding Achievements in the Arts and for Championing Women's Rights Around the World". She is a two-time Earphones Award Winner for the best interpretation of an audiobook: Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Nobel Prize winner Olga Tokarczuk and The Light in Hidden Places by Sharon Cameron. Beata won the prestigious Voice Arts Award in the "Outstanding Video Game Character - Best Performance" category for her role of Skarlet, the Blood Queen in “Mortal Kombat 11”. It is the first award for an actor of this kind in almost 30 years of the game's existence. At the Promenade of Stars in Międzyzdroje, in the tradition of “Hollywood’s Walk of Fame,” she was acknowledged with a bronze imprint of her hand. Appointed by the President of the largest actors’ trade union in the world, SAG-AFTRA, she serves on the Women’s Committee. She often is a Juror, including the EMMY Awards at the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Poźniak holds an MA in Film and Drama Arts. She has lectured at USC and UCLA."

Probosz reminded the listeners also that he studied in Poland with Pozniak and that they worked together on several projects. The presentation of the Award and the Club's diploma was conducted by Dr. Maja Trochimczyk.

Fot. Maria Kubal

Fot. Elzbieta Romuzga

Beata Pozniak talked about her stage career and acting passions, as well as her successes in theater and film. She was particularly grateful for the comparison with the great Helena Modjeska implied by the award. Indeed, like Modjeska, Pozniak succeeded to create her own path in a foreign language and mastered English to the delight of her audiences.  At the end she received an enormous boquet of red roses and white asters, in recognition of her talent. 

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot. Syl Ves

After the ceremony, President Trochimczyk thanked Marek Probosz and Andrzej Warzocha for their hard work: "At the end, I would like to thank the two gentlemen, without whose help our celebration would not have been possible or so successful. Andrzej WARZOCHA provided us with great sound, vision and music, and Marek PROBOSZ created a unique warm atmosphere." Both received commemorative diplomas and rosettes.

Fot. Patrycja Sroczyk

Fot. Elzbieta Romuzga

Fot.Maria Kubal

At the end of the official part, Maja Trochimczyk invited everyone present to dance the polonaise, saying: And now MAREK and MALGOSIA PROBOSZ invite us to the Polonaise, please position yourself at the appropriate distances on the dance floor. In the second pair our laureate BEATA POZNIAK with her son RYLAND POZNIAK-DANIELS, in the third pair Edward HOFFMAN and Elzbieta ROMUZGA of the Krakusy Folk Dance ensemble, because they know how to dance, behind them is the Consul and the President, and then whoever wants to dance the polonaise. Polish balls start with a Polonaise and ours cannot be an exception. Our music is Wojciech Kilar's Polonaise from the film "Pan Tadeusz." Thank you all and enjoy the 50th Anniversary Ball and the 50th Anniversary Polonaise." 



After the Ball, President Trochimczyk wrote to all volunteers thanking them for their hard work.

"Our ball was a great success thanks to the entire board and all volunteers. I received many expressions  of thanks from our guests. You all contributed to this memorable celebration and I am very grateful that you were with me on this fantastic anniversary, which will be long remembered and appreciated. Today I'm glad it went so well. "

"Marek - you are fantastic at the microphone, I knew it, but leading the polonaise with such grace and humor is a rarity. I'm sure that the 50th anniversary polonaise will remain in your memory for a long time. You have been a great friend of the Club for so many years and your friendship has borne fruit. during our celebration. "

"Andrzej - without sound and image, there would have been no Ball. I am very pleased with the results of your hard work, Congratulations! There are always problems and unwelcome surprises, but you triumphed over everything. The dancers were delighted with the dance music and everything went very well. Thank you!"
Fot. Syl Ves

"Wojtek - you are a genius pianist and you chose a great waltz to create a unique Polish atmosphere at the ball. We could never have held our event without Chopin. Your performance was great, and so beautifully rendered. I saw that the audience sang along silently, delighted with your interpretation. Best wishes and heartfelt thanks!"

"Beata - thank you for printing the diplomas and making sure they are signed, and for the two posters, also for arranging the loan of one of your glamorous ball gowns from Ewelina B. Fashion and for your hard work in arranging the ballroom."

Fot. Syl Ves

"Ella - thank you for the beautiful and elegant design of the poster, program cover, all book versions (3 covers) and invitations. You made so many versions of each project because I was quite picky and focused on details, and you reacted quickly and efficiently to my new ideas. I really appreciate your support and talent, also with the content of our anniversary book. Thank you for transcribing the interviews we have included in the volume."

"Ela T. - thank you for helping with the jubilee album, huge, endless  endeavor, but with excellent results. I am grateful for finding errors to correct in the program book and for preparing the Ball, its organization and advice that helped us. Also thanks to bringing your daughter Ania. Thank her for adding "baby breath" flowers to the orchids, the effect was spectacular, also thanks a lot for the chairs and table decorations. "

"Marysia - you spent so much time driving around the city to find all the white orchids to decorate our tables and ordered an incredibly beautiful fan bouquet to cover the huge fireplace. You also persuaded me to give up my original idea of ​​using red roses with peacock feathers to decorate the tables. Your idea of white orchids was much more elegant. With white chairs and red sashes they created a truly spectacular interior. Then, you kindly greeted the guests and made sure that everyone was seated at the right table. Your hard work is a great asset to the club, not only now - for many years. Thanks a lot. "

"Basia - you were very helpful with packing things for display in my house, and then you helped to set up the ballroom, patio, flowers, chairs and welcome the guests at the reception. The idea of ​​placing club photos on the tables was appreciated by the participants of the ball. Everyone liked it very much. . "

Syl Ves - thank you very much for your help in buying wines, decorating and documentation, i.e. taking photos, and - very importantly, bringing two guests. You were decorating the room in a beautiful dress and hairstyle, together with her husband - a classically elegant couple. This is how it should look like. the club, as the elite of Polish culture, warmly welcomes also mixed Polish-American marriages. We are not nationalists, so in the future there will certainly be meetings in English."

"Ania S. - thank you for your help in arranging and decorating chairs, tables, taking photos and working at the reception, receiving guests and issuing tickets. You looked beautiful and like Syl Ves you are the" rejuvenation "of our board. Let's look further to attract and train the next generation ! "

Ela P. - thank you for receiving your diplomas in Orange County, and welcoming guests - it is very important that everyone is happy in good company - and beautiful ball gown - you were the decoration of our ball. "

"Chris - although you are sick, you delivered our equipment and Modjeska's poster for the ball. We missed your presence, especially to the crazy polonaise. who is on the right. But laughter is good for your health, so get better by November as soon as possible! " 








Website for the book, including free PDF download of the whole text; slides prepared for the 50th anniversary ball; the event's program, and links to ordering hardcover and paperback copies of the album. 



1. "Dziennik  Zwiazkowy Zgoda",  7 pazdziernika 2021 "Nagrody im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej za rok 2021" (photo below)

2. "Gwiazda Polarna", nr. 22,  23 Oct/Nov 2021, "Nagrody im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej za rok 2021"

3. "Dziennik Zwiazkowy Zgoda", 27 pazdziernika 2021, Elzbieta Trybus, "50-lecie Klubu Kultury im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej w  Los Angeles."

4. "The Post Eagle" 3 listopada 2021, "Modjeska Club Celebrates 50th Anniversary, Presents Modjeska Prizes to Polish Actors, Jan Englert and Beata Pozniak"