Friday, December 31, 2021

Forgotten Ancient and Medieval History of Poland by Janusz Bieszk on Zoom, January 15, 2022 at 12 pm PST

Tadeusz Wolanski's discovery of ancient Polish medals, 1842
YouTube Video from the Lecture:

Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club is pleased to invite you to a lecture on Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 12 noon in California. Please send requests for a Zoom link and detailed information to

Janusz Bieszk: The Kingdom of Lehia and the Kingdom of the Weneds in the ancient and medieval periods

Lecture by zoom January 15, 2022, noon in California, Gdynia - Los Angeles. The entire presentation will be in Polish.


I. Author's biography:

Janusz Bieszk, born in 1948 is a history enthusiast and researcher, and  a bibliophile. He holds a master’s degree in the field of foreign trade and foreign service. For many years, he worked in managerial positions in Poland and abroad. With a passion for forgotten history he pursued his interests for decates and included the results of his independent historical research in a series of popular books describing the following historical periods:

1. Prehistory - Space Civilizations on Earth,

2. Antiquities - Slavic Kings of Lehia in Ancient Poland,

    The Kings of Lehia and Lehites in History,

    Ancient Kingdom of Lehia

    More Evidence, Forgotten Ancient Kingdom of Lehia II

    Evidence and Historical Atlas of Lehia, Sarmatia, Scythia,

3. The Middle Ages - Castles of the Teutonic State in Poland and

    Christian Kings of Lehia in Medieval Poland.

Mr. Bieszk also edited the introduction and footnotes to the new edition of Prokosz's Slavic-Sarmatian Chronicle from the 10th century, Polish edition.

He documented his books with citations from an extensive Polish and foreign bibliography.

To order books:


Mr. Bieszk cordially invites you to experience together and discuss the documented stories about our great and outstanding ancestors of the Aria-Praslavians, the kings of Lehia, the knights of the coat of arms Leh and the steadfast sailors of Weneds.

II. Title:

The Kingdom of Lehia and the Kingdom of the Weneds in the ancient and medieval periods.

As the introduction to the lecture, Maja Trochimczyk will show a photo with all published books by the author, and a 3-min YouTube video under the title "The Lehia Empire and its Capitals  through the ages. Mr. Bieszk will provide comments to this introduction.

III. Sections of the lecture:

1. Definitions: "Slavs" in Polish are Slawianie, not Slowianie. Lehia, Leh, Lehici with "h" not Lechia, Lech, Lechici with “ch”

2. The meaning of the words "Leh" and "Lehía", and also Leh = Wit or Wist.

3. Slavs or Slawianie as an agricultural, peaceful, free and religious people

4. Religion and beliefs of the Pra-slavians

5. The oldest historical sources (yearbooks, chronicles)  with information

    - domestic

    - foreign

6. The oldest artifacts and facts

    - construction of the Praslavians

    - Praslavian battles

    - the oldest image of a freight car

    - inscription on the tombstone from the 1st century AD

7. A short and full set of Sarmatian-Lehitic kings

8. The kings of the Weneds

9. Emperors of Lehia Empire

10. Historical Atlas of Lehia, Sarmatia and Scythia

11. Catalog of coins minted by the rulers of Lehia

The presentation will conclude with presenting Mr. Bieszk’s three Open Appeals to the national authorities followed by participants' questions and discussion.

19th Century edition of the Prokosz Chronicle with inserted portrait


Ancient medal discovered by Wolanski, 1842

Janusz Bieszk’s interview for Nowy Dziennik Polish Weekly (September 14, 2016). Th. 4.

- Do you think that knowledge about the ancient history of Poland is hidden? What is the reason for this?

Everything points to the fact that we still have a post-church history and a pro-church history, where many topics, events, facts and even historical figures like kings are taboo.

For example knowledge of the following facts has not been described in the historical literature and information about these facts has not been disseminated in the society:

1. The above-mentioned tombstone with a dedication from Emperor Tiberius Claudius, translated from Latin and published in 1843 by Polish researcher, archaeologist and numismatist Tadeusz Wolański, who studied our ancient history.  Wolanski considered Prokosz Chronicles of the 10th century to be true history of ancient Poland.  In 1853 the Roman-Catholic Church declared his books forbidden and burned them at the stake. His conviction was prevented by the intervention of Tsar Nicholas I, who also assigned a detachment of the Russian Army to protect him during his research travels and expeditions.

It is long overdue that a faithful copy of the ancient Roman tombstone of a Lehia prince should be exhibited for the public at the Royal Castle or the National Museum, as the oldest artifact concerning Kings of Lehia dating back to the 1st century

2. Lehia and Sarmatian warriors were engaged in many battles with the Roman legions, and plentiful evidence exists in historical sources;  however, it is not disseminated.

3. The reign of the Lehite king Wrocisław in the years 892-896 is not known or publicized while it pre-dates the Piast dynasty by 70 years. The evidence in the chronicle of Prokosz and the Aventinus annals is ignored.

4. The existence of the empire of Lehia in the years 1000-1038 is also ignored, despite the evidence contained in Polish and foreign chronicles and annals.

5. The reign of Bolesław II the Forgotten in the years 1034-1038 is not known to today’s historians and readers.  He was removed from the Roman Catholic Church and thus doomed to oblivion.  His “deletion” from Polish history remains to this day, so the Church’s anathema has been quite effective. His name is not mentioned in two historical albums published in Poland in 2014 and 2015 with lists of kings.

Ancient medal with the king Mieczyslaw, and religious symbols, Christian and pagan
Tadeusz Wolanski's discovery, from 1842 book

Q: When do you think Poland was baptized?

A: According to Polish and foreign historical sources, the baptism of the people of Lehia was not a single act that took place in 966 AD, but a multi-stage act, involving both  the Roman-Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, Slavic (Cyril-Methodian) rites. Its chronology was as follows:

1. During the reign of King Koszyszko (842-862) on January 1, 845, fourteen Lehs - Lehite princes and magnates, with their courts, army and people living in the south, on the border with Moravia and Bohemia were solemnly baptized in the Roman Catholic rite. Baptism was performed by priests with Archbishop Adalram from Olomouc in Great Moravia, who was subordinate to the Archbishopric in Passau, Bavaria. The above act had a practical and tactical goal, namely to avoid the future military invasions of Christianization by the aggressive East Frankish state.

2. In the middle of the 9th century, especially during the reign of King Ziemowit the Reformer (862-892) and with his consent, the Christian religion in the Eastern Orthodox, Slavic rite began to penetrate the population of Lesser Poland. It was taught by the priests of Wisnog and Oslaw, students of Archbishop Methodius, who was in Velehrad in Great Moravia. The bishop of Lehites at that time was Sawa, a student of Cyril. Religion in the Slavic rite later spread to Lesser Poland, Silesia and Greater Poland, covering a large area of ​​Lehia. Many Orthodox churches were built in such localities as Wiślica, Kraków, Przemyśl, Wrocław, Poznań, Ostrów Lednicki (Lechicki) and Gniezno.

This was confirmed by archaeological excavations. The archbishopric of the Slavic rite in Krakow functioned for over 150 years.

3. Some kings of Lehia and their courts and attendants were baptized in the Eastern Orthodox, Slavic rite and ruled together for over 100 years as Christians. In my opinion, they were:

Ziemowit Reformator, who ruled in the years 862-892;

Wrocisław who ruled in 892-896;

Leh X Brave in 896-921;

Ziemomysl in 921-957;

Mieczysław II in 957-999.

The first king called Mieczysław ruled in 340-388. According to Polish chronicles and annals, Mieczysław II died in 999. Mieczysław II was elected as king of Lehia at a valid rally in 957, retained the title of king in accordance with the custom (now the so-called protocol) until his death in 999, regardless of the later repercussions related to the transition with his surroundings from the Slavic rite to the Roman rite.

It probably happened in or after 968, because in the so-called in the epitaph of Brave it is written that Bolesław was born in 967, of a "pagan father". This is because the Roman clergy did not recognize the Slavic rite and treated it as paganism. Mieczysław II was baptized by the aggressive German Church, not the Czech one, as there was no archbishopric in Prague at that time.

The official date of baptism of a part of the population of Polania (Poland) should also be backdated to the year 845, but then the public would have to be informed that the use of the later date was purposeful and was designed to hide the existence Lehs - because that is what they are called in foreign sources.

Ancient Polish medal from the book about Tadeusz Wolanski's discoveries, 1842

Ancient map - in arabic marking the Kingdom of Lechia

Lechistan on old Greek map of Europe

Suevi, Wenedae, Sarmatia on map of Roman Empire

Polish Kings from an Austrian print 1655, many Lechia kings.

Inscription of Zygmunt III Waza column in Warsaw, by his son Wladyslaw IV, naming Zygmunt III as the 44th king of Poland; chronology goes back to 5th century and includes many Lechia kings.

Traditional circular layout of a Lechia Slavic village with central grounds for meetings.

Remnants of 55 portraits, 36 extant, of Lech and Polish kings.

Portrait of earliest Polish kings in Kralow, with Krak. Popiel, and Wanda

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