On JUNE 8, 2019 at 6 pm. Modjeska Club Presents CABARET DINNER. "Qui Pro Quo - Polish Cabaret Songs" a concert of cabaret songs by "Sami Swoi" from Polish American Social Club of Las Vegas. The Program includes classic Polish cabaret songs from Qui Pro Quo, Piwnica Pod Baranami, Kabaret Starszych Panow, Kabaret Pod Egida, and more... The sound projection will be coordinated by Emmy Award Winner Andrzej Warzecha. With a catered hot dinner buffet by Jola Budny from Polka Restaurant.
WHERE: South Pasadena Community Room, 1115 El Centro St, South Pasadena, CA 910303.
WHEN: Saturday, June 8 2019 at 6 pm.
RSVP: Free to club members, open to guests. RSVP to prezes@modjeska.org to June 6, 2019. Club members: please bring your favorite beverage and dessert to share.
The "Sami Swoi" Theater Group is a part of the Polish American Social Club of Las Vegas and, for this performance will include the following artists: Grazyna Mierzwinski, Monika Clark, Malgorzata Baran, Marianna Wojciechowicz, Iwona Podzorska, Antoni Cembrzynski, Krystian Kinel.
They will perform some of the most famous, classic Polish cabaret songs from a number of most famous Polish cabarets.
- Kabaret Starszych Panow - Tanie dranie
- Kabaret pod Egida - Czy te oczy moga klamac
- Kabaret pod Egida - Taki kraj
- Kabaret Starszych Panow - Z kim tak ci bedzie zle jak ze mna
- Kabaret Qui pro quo – Ach ten wasik
- Kabaret Qui pro quo – Juz taki jestem zimny dran
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - Miejcie nadzieje
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - Grande Valse Brillante
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - Bedziesz moja pania
- Kabaret Starszych Panow – Tango Kat
- Kabaret Qui pro quo - Upić się warto
- Kabaret Qui pro quo – Milosc Ci wszystko wybaczy
- Kabaret Qui pro quo - Ta mala pila dzis
- Kabaret Qui Pro Quo – Nikt tylko Ty
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - Dni ktorych nie znamy
- Kabaret Starszych Panow - Kaziu, zakochaj sie
- Kabaret Starszych Panow – Szuja
- Kabaret Tey - To juz z gorki
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - To taka glupia to ja juz nie jestem
- Kabaret Starszych Panow - Przeklnij mnie
- Kabaret Piwnica pod Baranami - Naprawde nie dzieje sie nic
Qui Pro Quo was the most famous Polish literary and revue theatre of the interwar period. It performed in Warsaw in 1919-1931 and for a short period also in 1932. Poets associated with this Cabaret included Julian Tuwim, Antoni Slonimski and Kazimierz Wierzynski. Composers included Zygmunt Wiehler, Szymon Kataszek, and Jerzy Boczkowski, the founder. Warsaw's earliest performances of jazz sounded for the first time from Qui Pro Quo's stage, thanks to Jerzy Petersburski and Artur Gold. Performers included creme de creme of Polish stage: Hanka Ordonówna, Mira Zimińska, Zula Pogorzelska, Zofia Terné, Stefcia Górska, Adolf Dymsza, Kazimierz Krukowski, Ludwik Lawiński, and Eugeniusz Bodo.[Information based on Wikipedia]
Kabaret Starszych Panów (translating to English as either Old(er) Gentlemen Cabaret or Elderly Gentlemen's Cabaret) was a Polish satirical cabaret made for TV in the late 1950s to mid-1960s (1958–1966). Numerous leading actors and performers participated in its episodes. The hosts and producers were Jerzy Wasowski and Jeremi Przybora, the two aging male Polish actors mentioned in the cabaret's name.Their humor has been described as "absurdist, sophisticated and elegant".Music formed an important element of the cabaret. Many top Polish actors of that time played in the cabaret as guests: Mieczysław Czechowicz, Edward Dziewoński, Wiesław Gołas, Kalina Jędrusik, Irena Kwiatkowska, Barbara Krafftówna, Zdzisław Leśniak, Wiesław Michnikowski. [information based on Wikipedia]
Kabaret Pod Egidą ("under the aegis") is a Polish satirical cabaret. It has been created in 1967 on the initiative of singer-songwriter Jan Pietrzak, and is still active (as of 2012). "Under the aegis" was a politically charged cliche in the Soviet Union dominated Eastern Europe. The cabaret was formed in 1967 as a continuation of a popular student cabaret Hybrydy. The first performers included Jan Pietrzak, Jonasz Kofta, Adam Kreczmar, Jan Raczkowski, Krzysztof Paszek, Hanna Okuniewicz, Barbara Kraftówna, Anna Prucnal, Kazimierz Rudzki, Wojciech Siemion, Wojciech Brzozowicz, and Jan Tadeusz Stanisławski. With the rise of Solidarity, the group gained much fame due to its performance of the unofficial Solidarity's anthem, the patriotic song by Jan Pietrzak. The group was banned in the aftermath of the 1981 crackdown on Solidarity, and resumed its performances only in the mid-1980s. Among its regular contributors and artists, in the 1980s, were such personalities of the Polish theatre scene as Ewa Dałkowska, Ewa Błaszczyk, Edyta Geppert, Piotr Fronczewski, Wojciech Pszoniak, Jerzy Dobrowolski, Janusz Gajos, Kazimierz Kaczor, Paweł Dłużewski, Marek Majewszki, and Krzysztof Daukszewicz. In the 1990s the cabaret performed regularly in Krakow and Bytom, with more artist including Jacek Kaczmarski and Marcin Wolski. [Information based on Wikipedia]

Piwnica Pod Baranami (English: The Cellar under the Rams) is a Polish literary cabaret located in Kraków, Poland in the Palace Under The Rams. For over 30 years, in the People's Republic of Poland, Piwnica pod Baranami served as the most renowned political cabaret in the country, until the end of (and beyond) the communist era. Created by Piotr Skrzynecki in 1956, the cabaret continues its activities, contrary to rumours that it has been closed after the death of its founder in 1997. It resides at its original location in the medieval Old Town district, at the Main Market Square (next to Vis-á-vis café). After nearly fifty years Piwnica became a legend of local eccentricity, and the style of the Piwnica cabaret entered the colloquial language as the "underground (piwnica) style" of performance. Piwnica's influence has reached beyond the art; it has been described thus: "It was much more than a cabaret. It was a breath of freedom and of ironic distance to the reality which surrounded us." Of our members, Lucyna Przasnyski was and is associated with Piwnica and its artists. The musicians, actors associated with Piwnica include: Bronisław Chromy, Ewa Demarczyk
Leszek Długosz, Anna Dymna, Wiesław Dymny, Janina Garycka, Jan Güntner, Tamara Kalinowska, Krzysztof Komeda, Zygmunt Konieczny, Andrzej Kurylewicz, Tadeusz Kwinta, Kika Lelicińska,
Krzysztof Litwin, Stanisław Radwan, Barbara Nawratowicz, Jan Nowicki, Maria Nowotarska,
Mirosław Obłoński, Joanna Olczak-Ronikier, Agnieszka Osiecka, Krzysztof Penderecki, Joanna Plewińska, Mieczysław Święcicki, Kika Szaszkiewiczowa, Jerzy Turowicz, Jerzy Vetulani, Andrzej Wajda, Kazimierz Wiśniak, Dorota Terakowska, Grzegorz Turnau, Leszek Wójtowicz, Krystyna Zachwatowicz. Andrzej Zarycki, Dorota Ślęzak, and Ewa Wnuk- Krzyzanowska.[Information based on Wikipedia]
Kabaret TEY was one of the most popular Polish cabarets in the 1970s and 1980s. Its main performers included Zenon Laskowik and Bohdan Smoleń.Founded in the mid-1960s as Klops by Zenon Laskowik, Krzysztof Jaślar and Aleksander Gołębiowski, on 17 September 1971 it changed its name to Kabaret TEY. Popular performers included Bohdan Smoleń (joined in 1977), Jadwiga Żywczak, Marian Pogasz, Rudi Schuberth, Janusz Rewiński, Grażyna Łobaszewska, Zbigniew Górny, Zbigniew Wodecki and Małgorzata Ostrowska, with music written by Włodzimierz Korcz (author of Żeby Polska była Polską, the informal anthem of Solidarity). The most popular of these were Laskowik and Smoleń, who often performed as a team. The name TEY means "you" in the Poznań dialect.[Information based on Wikipedia]
During the catered dinner, guests will be able to see 10 paintings by Katarzyna Kociomyk, Polish painter now based in Las Vegas. The paintings are used as illustration for this blog post and more are reproduced below.
Katarzyna Kociomyk graduated with Honors from one of the most prestigious Academies of Fine Art in Poland. Mrs. Kociomyk’s paintings are in private collections in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
“My first oil painting I painted when I was 4 years old. I think that back then I first started to think about becoming a painter. Through painting I was creating my own spaces, and new worlds starting from some small element of reality. That internal and external reality seemed to be my early inspiration. After an Elementary School I applied to a strictly art oriented High School, and near the end of it I was considering studying at one of the best Fine Art Academies in Europe. In October of 1993 I was accepted to Academy of Fine Art in Warsaw, and in a matter of weeks I was studying under some of the best art professors in the Country. I finished the Academy with Honors with a solid technical foundation, extensive knowledge of art history, and a better understanding of the word "artist."

Born, raised, and educated in Poland, Katarzyna Kociomyk came to the United States in December 2009. She opened her studio in a tranquil home in Vermont just few days after her arrival. In 2015 she moved to rural Indiana, where for two years she was developing new ideas and created new artistic challenges. In 2017 Katarzyna relocated to Santa Barbara, California and since April 2018 she has her new home and studio in Las Vegas, Nevada where she now lives and creates full time.